Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Biggest Impact on History

Even though there were many influential people at work during the 1930s, none of them made as big of an impact as Adolf Hitler did. He gained control of Germany and many other parts of Europe through force and brutality; however, the entire time, he maintained the support of the people. This support was primarily given out of selfishness and ignorance. Selfishness because people either wanted Germany to be more powerful or they wanted to protect what they had; ignorance because propaganda led the people to believe that Hitler was protecting them and doing what was best for the country. They chose to remain ignorant and blindly follow their new leader because he had a message of change. He was not protecting the country or changing it for the better. Instead, he was putting thousands of Jews in concentration camps, slaughtering people who did not meet a certain critera, and feeding his hunger for world domination.

WWI Viewpoints

I am an 18 year old operator stationed on the front lines of the battlefield. When the war began, I only had a vague idea of my likely duties because the Wireless Section had only just started being used in the trenches. When our guide led me into a trench filled waist deep with muddy water, I could not believe he was serious - I was wearing my brand-new riding-breeches and boots. However, I went in, and it was seventeen days before my boots touched dry soil again. My job was to set up stations so that we could transmit any messages handed in by the officers. I was excited to do something useful, but I quickly became tired of the trenches and the battlefield. Every day that goes by, the stench worsens and so does the fatigue. I entered the war with excitement and determination, but my fellow soldiers and I are growing tired of this war.


Being a woman during the Industrial Revolution comes with advantages and disadvantages. We are allowed to work, but the best paying jobs are still reserved for men. At any moment, we can be replaced by a man because they are stronger, they can work longer, and they do not have as many responsibilities at home. Some of us can not afford childcare and we can not take our children with us to work. Unfortunately, many children are being sent to baby farms where they are taken care of in the worst sense of the word. We have to work sixteen hour days and we constantly risk being injured. We go home to dirty houses or overcrowded slums - its all the same. Industrialization is destroying our cities and home lives - we should be able to choose to work or stay home with our families, and our husbands should not have to work as much as they do. We need better living and working conditions, and we need some free time for ourselves after a long day of work.