Monday, November 10, 2008

The Thirty Year's War

The Thirty Year's War was caused by many conflicts which include: religious tension, regional government vs. centralized government, and differing opinions between rulers. When King Charles got rid of Parliament, he faced much opposition from the members of Parliament and his subjects. Once he withdrew as king and created his own army, the Thirty Year's war began. The end of the Thirty Year's War came when the Peace of Westphaloa was signed which recognized Calvinism as a tolerated religion and stated that all of the subjects must follow their ruler's chosen faith. This meant that the ruler of each state would choose it's religion and foreign policy and the empire became autonomous. 


Sally said...

Because the rulers chose the religion of the state, there wasn't as much tolerance of religion in conflicting countries, but people would move to where their preferred religion was accepted and establish homes in that area. Also, the empirical autonomy realized and inspired by the Thirty Years War left the Vatican greatly weakened and no longer an authority figure over kings and princes, especially if they didn't subscribe to the Catholic religion.

brberger said...

You gave good reasoning behind how and why the war began, but no information on what went on during the war. A little of both probably is needed.

erica canty said...

Good reasons as to why the Thirty Year's War was caused. Instead of giving just one reason I like how you list a couple different components to the causes of it. Also with the reasons which helped me to understand better.

Michael H. said...

Yes, they finaly decided that Calvinism was a tolerable religion but due to the Peace of Augsburg, most religions still weren't very tolerable. Many religions were still looked down upon in certain provinces.

spatneaude said...

Because of the tensions between the Church and kings the Thirty Years' War broke out.The war started as a problem between Catholics and the Protestants but ended up a struggle for the Habsurg family to keep their power.By the end of the war the Habsurg family was not as powerful as they once were.

Shelby B said...

I agree that the causes of the 30 years war was primarily tension between religion and problems of the government. I think that knowing the causes of a war is very important and sometimes hard to understand.